▕ABC▕ Free Movie El hoyo

Liked it=107227 Vote / Pedro Rivero / 2019 / Spain / User Rating=7,4 / 10 Stars / El hoyo is a movie starring Ivan Massagué, Zorion Eguileor, and Antonia San Juan. A vertical prison with one cell per level. Two people per cell. One only food platform and two minutes per day to feed from up to down. An endless



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El hoyo watch online. Sigo sin entender : v. Si la madre bajaba todos los meses por su hija porque no ella mandó el mensaje hasta el nivel 0. El hoyo negro en el espacio. El hoyo. El hoyo trailer rus. El hoyo del diablo dominicana. El hoyo explained. El hoyo death. والله نفس قناعتي بس انا بعتي 8.5/10 الفيلم جيد بس ما موسيقى قويه (جيدة) في الفلم. El hoyo review. Joder no había considerado la escena de la panacota en esta ecuación.

El hoyo maravilla gang pictures. El hoyo csfd. El hoyo mas grande del mundo. El hoyo. There was a deep religious message in there. That was obvious to me. The apostles Creed says that Christ's was dead for three days and while he was dead he descended into Hell. On the third day he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. I'm pretty sure it borrows from that imagery. Spanish directors are also many times very deeply religious.

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El hoyo azul republica dominicana. ما شاء الله الفلم جميل فكرته غير عن باقي الأفلام و الاحلى انه معبر. El final, para no detenerme demasiado, trata sobre el «mensaje». Bien, parecía que era la panna cotta, es decir, lo que se creía en el Antiguo Testamento (obviamente es simbólico) que tenía orígenes de religiones asiáticas (véase el acento del profeta que los aconseja) y sucede que este mensaje, en parte, es la niña, o sea, la unión HIPOSTÁTICA. Esto es la triple unión entre Dios, Jesucristo y el Espíritu Santo. De esta forma, el final presenta en una misma mesa a Dios (el foco de luz que sale del techo) Jesucristo (el protagonista) y la niña (espíritu santo. De hecho, la última sala es la 333, el número perfecto, haciendo referencia a la triple unión de Dios. (Muchos filósofos utilizaban los sistemas divididos en categorías de 3 o tríadas. Por ejemplo, Hegel.

El hoyo wikipedia. I think this movie was very interesting and full of interesting symbolism. I definitely recommend watching this movie.
I have read a lot of different understandings of this movie, but I think that a lot of people maybe misunderstood the role of Miharu. So this is my analysis of the movie:
In general, the facility represents society. The levels represent society classes and hierarchies. The protagonist, Goreng, represents a resistance movement who is ready to use threats and violence to secure that there is enough food for everybody. The old man, Trimagasi, represents a supporter of the system. The woman from the administration, Imoguiri, represents a peaceful movement that wants change but is unable to do so. Miharu who rides down the platform actually represents the upper class (se explanation further below.
The cellmates believe that the change of levels each month is random. However, the administration does not randomly choose the levels for all prisoners each month. The administration choses if each prisoner should go up or down the levels each month based on whether they have eaten their cellmates or not. If a prisoner is willing to kill his or her cellmate and eat of them then he or she is secured a higher level the next month. This is evidenced a couple of times in the movie: At first Goreng starts on level 48 with Trimagasi and they live peacefully. Then they move down to level 171 the following month where Goreng ends up killing Trimagasi and eats of him to survive. Then Goreng moves up to level 33 the next month where he meets Imoguiri and they live peacefully. Then they move down to level 202 where Goreng is forced to eat of Imoguiri who has killed herself. Then Goreng finally moves up to level 6 where he meets Baharat.
The woman Miharu who rides down the platform actually represents the upper class of society because she knows how to exploit the system. Notice that she always rides down the platform and comes from the top floors and she is always bloodied and emotionless. That is because she always makes sure to kill and eat her cellmates every month, and that's why she always ends on the top floors. Miharu rides down the platform to make sure that there is food for the little girl (which we assume is her daughter) on the bottom floor. The girl is always on the bottom floor month after month, because she has never killed and eaten her cellmate. Miharu rides down the platform once a month so she has to make sure that there is enough food for the girl because she cannot get up again until the month is over (the platform only travels back up to level zero, which prisoners presumably are not allowed to enter. That's why she killed so many prisoners on her way down. Miharu must have a good reason to ride down the platform every month and that was to take care of the little girl. Miharu has managed to stay on top and alive for long because she knows the system. However, even she succumbs to the system when she is killed in a fight with the prisoners.
Notice that we learn from Imoguiri that she selected Miharu to enter the facility 10 months ago, that she entered alone, and that nobody under 16 years is allowed in the facility. However, we cannot trust Imoguiri's information because she also said that there are 200 levels, which turned out to be false, and the prohibition against under 16 year olds to enter the facility also turned out to be false. So the question of how the little girl ended in the facility remains unanswered. Perhaps the little girl was born in the facility or she was thrown in there with her mother.
The movie hints that there is actually enough food for everybody on all floors because the administration puts every prisoner's requested food on the table. This is evidenced when the protagonist is interviewed by the administration official about his favorite food (snails) and that it will be served while he is imprisoned. We also see that the protagonist sees his requested food for the first time when he is on floor no. 6 because none from the upper floors has touched it yet (but he doesn't eat it. He did not get to see his requested food before because those on the upper floors always ate it before it arrived to him. If every prisoner in the facility kept his or her requested food when it arrived at his or her floor, the floor will not turn hot or cold. This is evidenced by one of the last scenes when the protagonist keeps the Panna Cotta when he is at the girl's floor, which must be the favorite food of the girl. All the prisoners had to do was to take their requested food, and not eat the others' food, so the food would be equally distributed all the way to floor no. 333. However, the prisoners from the upper floors greedily ate more than their favorite food leaving less to the ones on the lower levels. So the main message of the movie is that people are very greedy and are ready to take more than they need, and not so much that the system is flawed. We see that the alternative system that the protagonist tries to enforce by distributing little food to everybody also leads to violence and deaths and is not much better.
The end of the movie is quite vague, but it does have a meaning. At the end, we don't see what happens to the protagonist, but it is hinted that the protagonist probably dies. Notice that he was heavily injured and barely got on the platform with the girl, when they reached the bottom, then he suddenly he gets off and walks normally when he sees the ghost of Trimagasi. The girl transports upwards to the top floor at the end of the movie. The protagonist is trying to send a message to the administration by transporting the girl to the top. Perhaps the message is to show that despite that most people are greedy, there are also some people who are willing to show benevolence and generosity to save others.
I think this movie was very interesting. The movie is open to interpretation, and this is of course my point of view and I hope you found this helpful.

El hoyo pelicula trailer. El hoyo final alternativo. El hood. El hoyo trailer english. El homo. El hoyo in english. El hoyo online. El hoyo explicacion final. El hoyo ver online. El hoyo azul. El hoyo final explicado. Crushed on her in 'The Magnificent Seven' in which she has some truly fantastic interludes. (Sadly, I doubt I'll see this one; waaaaaaay off The Cringe Scale. LOL.

El hoyo pelicula. - La segunda compañera es una ambientalista vegetariana su perro representa que es amiga de los animales y os protege. Ella con voz suave trata de convencer a los demás de que racionen los alimentos que coman lo necesario pero nadie la escucha, ella entra al hoyo porque su ambición es querer cambiar el sistema. GOOD INTERESTING STORY THAT IS FUN AND PRETTY EASY TO FOLLOW = 1 Star
1 Star

A really good metaphoric story! It was suspenseful and didn't feel boring once. The food looks good, and the prison looks gruesome af. I didn't exactly get the ending at first.

El hoyo mensaje. El hoyo trailer. El hoyo trailer netflix. El hoyo manu chao. El hoyo interview. El hoyo del diablo pelicula completa. El hoyo analisis. El hoyo movie. El homo erectus. El hoyo 2. Hard to watch. Heavy. This movie is an in-depth analysis of human species and our values. It is a portrait of WHAT we are. And yes, mostly we are nothing good! It has a deep message hidden behind blood and gore (violence is the only reason I gave it 8, because I think it could be avoided and still be the message. If they managed to make important scenes without blood, I'd give it 10. This is a movie that will be deeply understood by selfless, but deeply hated by selfish. This is who we are. Shades of human(ity.

El hoyo reddit. El hoyo gacha life. El hoyo cast. El hoyo imdb. El hoyo netflix explicacion. El hoyo 2019 trailer. كثرلنا فديوهات ♥️♥️. El hoyos. El hoyo explicacion. This movie made me overthink my life for over a hour. It was absolutely amazing. Thank you. El hoyo final.







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